Sunday, August 9, 2009

Tested tips for Day to Day health problems

These are some common problems that can happen to anyone.

  • Sleep on your sides.

  • Use nasal decongestant before bedtime.

  • Avoid heavy meal at night.
Smelly feet:
  • Apply baby powder before slipping in socks.

  • Change your socks daily.

  • Avoid wearing nylon socks or plastic shoes. Use cotton socks.

Farting! (something which every does but dosent admits)

  • Cut back on cauliflower, beans, legumes.

  • Chew your food slowly and more.

  • Bad-smelling wind can even occur because of fermented drinks such as beer.

  • Smoking and chewing gum can also cause excess gas.

Apply the juice of basil leaves to minor cuts to stop bleeding.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Tested Beauty and related tips

Make your nails stronger by rubbing some lemon on them.

Add 2 table spoon of coconut oil in your bath water everyday and watch your skin glow!

Stuck nail polish bottle? Instead of showing strength, wrap a rubber band several times around the cap to give a better grip. and to save future hassle, everytime you are done polishing clean the rim with nail polish remover.

Tone your lips! To retain moisture and make your lips look smooth, apply a used (luke warm) teabag on your lips for a couple of minutes. Dont rinse immediately. Excellent way to tone your lips just before that special evening.

Puffy and fatigued eyes? Forget cucumber slices! Soak cotton pads in cold brew tea and lay them on your eyes. You can also refrigerate your used tea bags and place them for 10 minutes for sparkling eyes!

Tested Kitchen tips for cooking

Put two to three cloves in the sugar jar to keep ants at bay.

Dropped excess salt in the dish - simply add a dough ball in the dish for 10-15 minutes before serving. This will absorb some salt.

Broken glass pieces are very difficult to pick and clear. Use a dough ball and roll it all over the place where you suspect glass pieces. Later wipe off wipe with damp cloth.

To avoid food from absorbing too much of oil while deep-frying add a tablesppon of vinegar to the oil before frying.

To avoid the awful odour while cooking cabbage or onions, add a lemon wedge to the pot.

Dont throw away your unused jam. Instead use it with fruits and cream to make a pudding.

Refrigerate lemon and bananas in air tight containers for longer shelf live.

Tested Household tips

To take away the yellow-ness from platic bottles, just add small pieces of slitghtly stale potatoes in the bottle along with some water. Leave it for a while and then rinse with clean water.

If the toilet bowl is choked, put in half a cup of salt. Flush after 10-15 minutes. It will clear.

A leather purse or belth will shine like new if rubbed with lemon peel.

To prevent silver and gold-plated jewellery from tarnishing, apply two coats of colourless nail paint on them.

To remove strong odour from an unused bottle, rinse it with clean water first. Then drop a lighted match stick inside and close the lid. Open the lid after 2 minutes and again rinse with clean water. The stron odour will vanish!!

Aluminium foil can also be used in-place of your steel-made cleaning ball for cleaning glass pans, oven grills.

Trying to give a shine to your kitchen sink - use club soda dampened cloth.

Cotton swab can help you clean lot of nooks and crannies - one of them being of your computer keyboard. hydrogen peroxide can be used as disinfectant.

Water droplets on bathroom fittings - heres how to keep yur fixtures sparking clean -

  • Apply car wax or a rag dipped in any cooking oil (except mustard oil) very sparingly. This will prevent water droplets from setting on the metal . Rub with a soft cloth.
  • To prevent rust stains,wipe with aluminium foil dipped in cola
  • Clean the fittings witha solution of one part of vinegar and one part of water, using a soft toothbrush dislodge deposits

Tea and coffee stains on the cloth can be removed by rubbing salt over them. Wash off after a few minutes

An excellent non-chemical method to keep rice, semolina and pulses insect-free is to put some dried pieces of bitter-gourd in the container

Sun-dried orange peels make cockroaches vanish away in a day!!

Friday, July 31, 2009

Tested heath tips for Blood Pressure

Blood pressure/Hypertension can be tamed if one includes adequate potassium in his/her food. Potassium rich food items are-milk, peanut butter, banana, orange, raisins, spinach, tomato, lettuce, broccolli, red and yellow bell peppers, carrot, cauliflower.

European advice on normalising low blood pressure: a secret concoction of rosemary mixed with white wine makes an herbal ointment to be rubbed over the heart.

Do some smart shopping: Read food labels and select food that says unsalted, low sodium, sodium free.

Though this one might not sound an easy one..but it really does wonders: Two garlic pods empty stomach in the morning will keep a check on your blood pressure.

Nutty diet...include walnuts, cashews, almonds.

Use sesame oil for cooking.

If fish is an option for you, then have fish! The protein and omega-3 fatty acids in fish help keep arteries elastic.

Disclaimer: Though these tips have been tried by people, still we would highly recommend you to consult follow them with doctor's consultation only. This blog/author of the blog will not be responsible for any health hazards.

Tested health tips for General Health

A tomato a day...keeps you healthy for life. So whether you love them in pizza or curry, have them canned or fresh - the protection is in the pigment!

Disclaimer: Though these tips have been tried by people, still we would highly recommend you to consult follow them with doctor's consultation only. This blog/author of the blog will not be responsible for any health hazards.